Understanding the „Bigger Picture“.
The (corporate) world is becoming increasingly complex. This makes it all the more important to understand and communicate the big picture.
We can help: with a Big Picture of your Company, you can now easily explain your topics in an emotional and impressive way.
That’s how quickly your Big Picture is created.
Comprehensive approach.
Why pictures communicate better.
References: How our customers work with Big Pictures
- What HR expects in 2025 – and how Big Pictures can helpEin entscheidender erster Schritt ist die Erkenntnis, dass Unternehmenskultur maßgeblich über den Erfolg oder Misserfolg von organisationalen Initiativen zu Performance, Lernen, oder Zusammenarbeit entscheidet. Tatsächlich scheitern über 50 % der Transformationsprojekte an einer unzureichenden kulturellen Anpassung (Quelle: McKinsey, “Why do most transformations fail?”, 2019).
- Quality of life visualized – WVV’s value proposition in picturesDie Würzburger Versorgungs- und Verkehrs-GmbH (WVV) visualisiert mit einem detaillierten Big Picture ihre vielfältigen Leistungen in den Bereichen Energie, Wasser, Mobilität, Umwelt und Freizeit. Dieses Schaubild unterstreicht das Engagement der WVV für die Region Würzburg und dient als zentrales Element in Präsentationen und Kundenkommunikation.
- Using Corporate Culture as a Lever for Sustainable TransformationEin entscheidender erster Schritt ist die Erkenntnis, dass Unternehmenskultur maßgeblich über den Erfolg oder Misserfolg von organisationalen Initiativen zu Performance, Lernen, oder Zusammenarbeit entscheidet. Tatsächlich scheitern über 50 % der Transformationsprojekte an einer unzureichenden kulturellen Anpassung (Quelle: McKinsey, “Why do most transformations fail?”, 2019).
- Big Picture for Smart Light – Homeier Solution Makes Light 4.0 UnderstandableHomeier Solution GmbH & Co. KG, spezialisiert auf smarte, energieeffiziente Beleuchtungssysteme für Industrie und Logistik, nutzt ein Big Picture, um die Vorteile ihrer Licht 4.0-Technologie zu veranschaulichen. Dies erleichtert die Kundenkommunikation und unterstützt die Vertriebsstrategie.
- E-learning Roles Visualized – Orientation for Learning Today & TomorrowTogether with the “Learning systems and educational technologies” team of experts, the BWV Bildungsverband developed a Big Picture that visualizes the roles in digital learning in the insurance industry. This diagram supports the transfer of knowledge and promotes the digitalization of learning.
- Stadtwerke München Vision for the Future 2050Together with Big Pictury, Stadtwerke München (SWM) has developed a Big Picture that visualizes its vision for the future in 2050. This strategic image supports internal communication and makes the company’s long-term goals clear to employees.
- Making Change Tangible: How Visual Communication Supports TransformationBig Pictures make complex topics tangible and support change processes through clear visualizations. Discover how visual communication can make transformation understandable and interactive.
- New Paths to Success – Normfest Communicates New Sales Strategy in the Big PictureNormfest GmbH, a supplier of workshop equipment, visualizes its new sales strategy with a big picture. This diagram illustrates the modernization of sales channels and the adaptation to changing customer needs.
- Big Picture as a Guide for Change – the Transformation at Messe FrankfurtMesse Frankfurt uses a big picture to visualize its comprehensive transformation as part of the “Progress” project. This chart serves as a communication tool to take employees along on the journey of change and provide them with orientation and understanding of the upcoming innovations.
Popular roll-out media
Click Picture
So that it clicks: digital knowledge interface with text fields and links
Picture Video
Simply play and let it explain: Video Animationl with explanation
Large Print
The image in an impressive print for use in the room.
Backgrounds: examples as a basis for your Big Picture
– Bernard Krone, Chairman of the Supervisory Board KRONE Group