Ein entscheidender erster Schritt ist die Erkenntnis, dass Unternehmenskultur maßgeblich über den Erfolg oder Misserfolg von organisationalen Initiativen zu Performance, Lernen, oder Zusammenarbeit entscheidet. Tatsächlich scheitern über 50 % der Transformationsprojekte an einer unzureichenden kulturellen Anpassung (Quelle: McKinsey, “Why do most transformations fail?”, 2019).
Die Würzburger Versorgungs- und Verkehrs-GmbH (WVV) visualisiert mit einem detaillierten Big Picture ihre vielfältigen Leistungen in den Bereichen Energie, Wasser, Mobilität, Umwelt und Freizeit. Dieses Schaubild unterstreicht das Engagement der WVV für die Region Würzburg und dient als zentrales Element in Präsentationen und Kundenkommunikation.
Ein entscheidender erster Schritt ist die Erkenntnis, dass Unternehmenskultur maßgeblich über den Erfolg oder Misserfolg von organisationalen Initiativen zu Performance, Lernen, oder Zusammenarbeit entscheidet. Tatsächlich scheitern über 50 % der Transformationsprojekte an einer unzureichenden kulturellen Anpassung (Quelle: McKinsey, “Why do most transformations fail?”, 2019).
Normfest GmbH, a supplier of workshop equipment, visualizes its new sales strategy with a big picture. This diagram illustrates the modernization of sales channels and the adaptation to changing customer needs.
Messe Frankfurt uses a big picture to visualize its comprehensive transformation as part of the “Progress” project. This chart serves as a communication tool to take employees along on the journey of change and provide them with orientation and understanding of the upcoming innovations.
“The topic of New Work is a very diverse one at Unite. The Big Picture helped us to visualize to the guests at our headquarters opening how the different concepts interact on a large scale. We see further areas of application in the recruiting and onboarding of new employees.”
The KRONE Group, a leading manufacturer of harvesting technology and commercial vehicles, visualizes its “Strategy 2030” with a Big Picture. This circular diagram illustrates the interlocking of business areas and future megatrends to inform and motivate employees.
WHY does the company do what it does (purpose, mission), WHAT does the company do (brands, business model) and HOW does the company achieve its goals (culture, vision). The big picture should clearly illustrate the company’s value chain with memorable imagery and concrete examples. With the help of the picture, employees should understand what they are contributing to when they act in accordance with the company’s transformation principles. The needs of the target groups should also be clearly recognisable and the examples should be used to illustrate what New Work SE wants to achieve on the market and what should therefore also be achieved for the Group’s brands.
NRW.BANK has developed a new mission statement for all its entrepreneurial activities. Under the heading “WIR für NRW” (WE for NRW), the development bank for North Rhine-Westphalia sums up what drives it every day: To do good for the people, companies and communities in NRW. In order to communicate its purpose to its employees and potential applicants, we developed a big picture in which the new corporate mission statement and its six principles were visually implemented.
In preparation for our visit to COCON23, we thought about how we could inspire visitors to the fair with the topic of “visualisation” and explain the development process of a Big Picture, while at the same time creating real added value with our stand action. The result: a summary of all the topics that occupy the visitors.