Big Pictures make complex topics tangible and support change processes through clear visualizations. Discover how visual communication can make transformation understandable and interactive.
WHY does the company do what it does (purpose, mission), WHAT does the company do (brands, business model) and HOW does the company achieve its goals (culture, vision). The big picture should clearly illustrate the company’s value chain with memorable imagery and concrete examples. With the help of the picture, employees should understand what they are contributing to when they act in accordance with the company’s transformation principles. The needs of the target groups should also be clearly recognisable and the examples should be used to illustrate what New Work SE wants to achieve on the market and what should therefore also be achieved for the Group’s brands.
Surely you know that DÄNISCHES BETTENLAGER changed its name to JYSK some time ago. But did you know that the company was originally founded in 1979 under the name JYSK? Today, JSYK is one of the largest trading companies in the world in the field of sleep & living. And the company is convinced that it owes this success above all to its employees! For this reason, JSYK does a lot for its employees – and is now showing them this with a Big Picture!
NRW.BANK has developed a new mission statement for all its entrepreneurial activities. Under the heading “WIR für NRW” (WE for NRW), the development bank for North Rhine-Westphalia sums up what drives it every day: To do good for the people, companies and communities in NRW. In order to communicate its purpose to its employees and potential applicants, we developed a big picture in which the new corporate mission statement and its six principles were visually implemented.
In preparation for our visit to COCON23, we thought about how we could inspire visitors to the fair with the topic of “visualisation” and explain the development process of a Big Picture, while at the same time creating real added value with our stand action. The result: a summary of all the topics that occupy the visitors.
Seminars, training sessions and workshops are social learning and development processes in which the participants are supposed to develop themselves or their skills. Does this go together with games? You bet it does! This is because playing can be very motivating and can significantly boost learning success. “Playful learning” is the magic word. Find out more about it in this article!
Wie sieht für euch der perfekte Urlaubsort aus? Ein menschenleerer Strand? Eine atemberaubende Bergkulisse? Mit Sicherheit habt ihr jetzt ein Bild im Kopf. Denn wir Menschen sind visuelle Wesen. Ein Umstand, den sich die Werbebranche schon lange zunutze macht. Und auch in der Unternehmenskommunikation kann die Macht der Bilder eine große Wirkung erzielen.